Educate and Engage: Tailored Online Course Building and Management for Coaches, Consultants, and Service Providers

Online Course Building and Management (Animated Image)
Online Course Building and Management (Animated Image)

🌟 Attention Online Coaches, Consultants, and Service Providers!

The digital era has ushered in an incredible opportunity for professionals like you: the rise of online learning. An online course not only showcases your expertise but also provides a platform to engage and educate a broader audience.

Turn your unique knowledge into a meaningful learning experience and, in the process, carve out a new revenue stream for yourself!

The Dynamic of Online Courses for Coaches, Consultants, and Service Providers

Online courses are more than just educational tools—they are a representation of your personal brand, your expertise, and the unique value you bring to your audience.

The beauty of online courses? They require effort upfront, but once set up, they can serve as a sustainable revenue source with minimal intervention. As a coach, consultant, or service provider, you’re no longer bound by one-on-one sessions. Instead, you can reach thousands worldwide, all while ensuring consistent quality and value.

Benefits of Our Online Course Building and Management Services on Your Business

By leveraging our services, you can unlock remarkable benefits that directly affect your small business’s growth and sustainability:

  • Leverage Expertise for Profit: With our services, you’ll be able to transform your knowledge and skills into a digital asset. You’ll teach your course once, and then sell it countless times, maximizing your income potential.
  • Automated Sales Funnel: Our system can automate the process from advertising to purchase and course entry, streamlining your operations and saving you time.
  • Passive Income Generation: Once set up, your online course can generate income with little maintenance, creating a reliable stream of passive income for your business.
  • Building Authority: Offering a high-quality online course enhances your credibility, positions you as an industry expert, and helps build authority in your field.
  • Differentiating Your Brand: With a unique online course, you’ll create a ‘brand moat’ that distinguishes your business from competitors, giving you an edge in the marketplace.

By partnering with us, you’re investing in more than just an online course – you’re elevating your brand, expanding your reach, and ensuring a sustainable and scalable business model.

Paving Your Road to Success with Our Services

Creating online courses may initially seem daunting, but with our comprehensive suite of services, you’ll find the process more straightforward than you imagined. We’ve broken down our services into key stages to make it even more manageable:

  1. Developing Your Unique Course Concept and Brand Identity: Stand out from the crowd with a course that’s as unique as your expertise. We’ll guide you in formulating your course idea, honing in on what makes it different. With a unique selling proposition and a course interface tailored to your brand, your offering will have a competitive edge in the online learning marketplace.
  2. Crafting Engaging Course Content: Our team will help you curate and structure your course content to be engaging, interactive, and valuable, making a lasting impact on your audience.
  3. Launching Your Online Course: Once your courses are polished and ready, we’ll help set up your online store and create persuasive sales pages. Our goal is to facilitate a smooth launch for you and an effortless purchase for your students.
  4. Promoting Your Course: Now that your courses are live, it’s time to draw in learners. We offer comprehensive marketing and advertising services to increase your courses’ visibility and reach your target audience effectively.
  5. Analyzing Performance and Managing Your Course: Post-launch, our support continues. We provide real-time analytics to help you understand your courses’ success and student engagement. Simultaneously, we’ll handle course updates and course inquiries, ensuring your courses stay relevant and continue to deliver value.

Online Course Building and Management Packages

Online Course Creation Package

$1,500 + $150/lesson

  • 1.5 Hour Online Course Planning Session
  • 30-Minute Planning Session Review
  • Online Course Sales Page
  • Online Course Sales page integration into your e-commerce store
  • Introduction Page
  • Online Course Modules Creation
  • Lessons Creation
  • Testing
  • Training

Online Course Creation Coaching Package


  • Six bi-weekly online course creation coaching sessions, each lasting 40 minutes long.
  • Bi-weekly reflections: You will be sent a bi-weekly self-evaluation form to assess progress, highlight achievements, and identify improvement areas. these insights aid in fine-tuning our coaching strategy for future sessions.

1-Hour Online Course Support Services


  • Online Course Support: Need help with course issues? Get expert support.
  • Content Writing: We can write your course materials, blog posts, and more.
  • Sales Page Updating: Keep your sales page fresh and up-to-date.
  • Online Course Material Updating: Change or improve your course content anytime.
  • Lesson Updates: Make your lessons better with new info or fixes.
  • Quiz and Assessment Creation: Add quizzes and tests to check learning.
  • Videos for Lessons: Plan, shoot, edit, and add video lessons to your course.
  • Tool and Form Development: Create special forms, tools, and surveys for your course.
  • Email and Social Media Writing: Get the word out with emails, social media posts, and ads.
  • Marketing and Advertising Plans: Plan how to get more eyes on your course.

How It Works:

  • Choose any service you want from the list above.
  • You’ll be billed at $150 per hour for each service you pick.

Tell Us What You Want:

Let us know exactly what you’re looking for by clicking the button and filling out the form.

Basic Monthly Online Course  Management Package


  • 1-Hour Online Course Support
  • Weekly Plugin Updates
  • Weekly Security Checks
  • Monthly website analytic report

*Each extra hour will be billed at $75/hour.

Advanced Monthly Online Course  Management Package


  • 5-Hour Online Course Support
  • Weekly Plugin Updates
  • Weekly Security Checks
  • Monthly website analytic report

*Each extra hour will be billed at $75/hour.

Elite Monthly Online Course Management Package


  • 3 hours of social media and email writing and publishing to promote your online course
  • 5-Hour Online Course Support
  • Weekly Plugin Updates
  • Weekly Security Checks
  • Monthly website analytic report

*Each extra hour will be billed at $75/hour.

Frequently asked questions about online course building and management services

I'm feeling overwhelmed about creating an online course. Can you guide me from the initial stages to the end?

Absolutely! Our team specializes in providing step-by-step support through the whole process, from conceptualizing your course to successfully launching and promoting it.

Can I participate in the course design and structure process?
Certainly! Our approach is aimed at fostering extensive collaboration. Each online course aims to systematically present your knowledge, expertise, and/or teaching of a specific skill set to achieve a desired outcome. We highly appreciate and welcome your input throughout the course design process, so that the end product reflects your vision and objectives.
Can you assist in generating engaging and interactive content for my course?
Yes, we specialize in creating dynamic, interactive content to facilitate an exceptional learning experience for your audience.
I'm not confident about using technology. Can I still develop an online course?
Definitely! We handle all technical elements on your behalf, from configuring the online learning platform to ensuring smooth course operations.
Which platforms are used for online course creation?
We use a variety of reputable online course platforms (learning management systems) and will suggest the one that suits your needs and goals the most. Our expertise lies in creating online courses on a WordPress website and integrating a learning management system plugin to construct the courses. However, we are open to alternative platforms if you have others in mind.
What if I cannot manage the online courses after they launch?
Don’t worry! We offer comprehensive course management services to assist you in various ways. This includes tasks such as enrolling clients or students into online courses*, ensuring regular updates to the course content, and promptly addressing any inquiries from clients related to your course. Additionally, once your course is launched, we can help you with marketing and advertising efforts.

*When it comes to course entry, we provide two options. The first is automatic entry, where clients are enrolled automatically once they make a payment. This approach allows for passive income, requires minimal management, and reduces the need for follow-ups. However, we are also experienced in working with companies that prefer a non-automated system. In such cases, clients and students are entered individually, based on their specific business model and requirements.

For example, let’s consider collaborating with an education center that focuses on test preparation. In this scenario, the schools cover the expenses, and once they sign the contract, students are enrolled seamlessly, ensuring a streamlined process.

Another example involves selling packages of personal training and nutrition coaching. By incorporating online courses into their packages, personal trainers/nutrition coaches can enhance the value of their offerings and provide clients with a clear step-by-step process to achieve specific health-related results. Furthermore, this platform serves as an ideal space to host videos and other valuable resources for their clients.

How can I determine the success of my online course?
We equip you with real-time analytics to monitor the performance of your course. Metrics such as enrollments, course completions, and client feedback will give you insights into your course’s success.
How can I determine the success of my online course?

We equip you with real-time analytics to monitor the performance of your course. Metrics such as enrollments, course completions, and client feedback will give you insights into your course’s success.

Which types of businesses or sectors do you typically collaborate with?
Our team boasts experience with a wide variety of businesses and sectors. We tailor our approach to suit each client’s unique needs and goals. Our main focus, however, is on small business owners, such as experts, consultants, coaches, and other professionals who guide their clients through a step-by-step process to achieve specific outcomes.
How do I start the process of working with BP Online Consulting and Management?

You can start by contacting us to learn more about our services and schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery session. After filling out the form below, you will be redirected to the next page to book a discovery session within the next two weeks. During this session, we will discuss your business needs and how our online course building and management services can help you meet them.

Online Course Building and Management Packages

No online course yet? No problem! Choose the perfect Online Course Building and Management Package that aligns with your vision and add it to your cart today. Unsure which package fits best? Click below to fill out our Online Course Building and Management Discovery Session Form.

This step allows you to instantly book a complimentary discovery session with our experts. During our session, we’ll dive deep into your course objectives, understand your target audience, and craft a comprehensive plan. This plan will not only make your online course impactful and profitable but also mirror your expertise in its brightest light. Let’s collaborate to turn your knowledge into an engaging, effective online learning journey that resonates with your audience and exceeds your goals. Start your journey to online course success now!

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